Via P. Nenni 1-19 - 42019 Scandiano (RE)

Manuel Grassi Ercopac Scandiano

Ercopac, the ideal partner for innovation in industrial packaging

February 7, 2024 ERCOPAC Comments Off

Know-how, performance, innovation and customer care. These are the core values on which the identity of Ercopac, a company specialized in industrial automation for packaging based in Scandiano, Reggio Emilia, is based. Ercopac is a relatively new company that is very active on the Tuscan market, in particular on the one of Lucca, serving numerous companies operating in the tissue, beverage and food sectors. The product range includes end-of-line solutions such as patentend depalletizing, palletizing, wrapping and top-cover systems, but it also ranges from automatic pallets inspection systems to automatic cluster loaders.

Cutting-edge solutions and a 360-degree service based on the specific needs of each customer is what defines Ercopac, and the reason why it was founded.

“Ercopac was born at the end of 2022 – says Manuel Grassi, President and founding partner – with the acquisition of Erco Service Srl, a company that boasts a twenty-year history in industrial automation and packaging. Our main purpose was to bring something new to the market in response to the many requests coming from customers: we immediately decided to maintain a particular proximity to the customer and to his needs. Every day we provide a high quality technical support and invest in a 24-hour service, free of charge for the first year for all our customers”.

This commitment has led to a business growth beyond all expectations, with the achievement of all the goals set for 2023. For 2024, the target is to double the previous year’s results. A progress always accompanied by a strategy of continuous expansion, both in terms of staff and in terms of presence on the market: “We started with six employees – explains Manuel – and to date we have 25. We have invested in experts highly specialized in their role to structure the company and support its constant growth. The goal for this year is to include junior figures alongside experts to grow them professionally”.

“Currently – he continues – we have extended our presence in France and Spain with two commercial branches, one in Lyon and the other one in Madrid. Moreover, our strategies includes considerations over the opening of another branch in the U.S. to present our solutions overseas in early 2025”.

At this point, the aspiration for the future is clear: to become leader in the integrated end-of-line market by providing cutting-edge solutions with a 24-hour service close to its customers. “We are like Peter Pan – concludes the President – we will never stop dreaming”.

Read the interview with our President at the following links:

Gazzetta di Lucca:

Gazzetta di Massa e Carrara:

Gazzetta di Viareggio:

Gazzetta del Serchio: