Via P. Nenni 1-19 - 42019 Scandiano (RE)

Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data of website users and cookies
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/18 and EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)

On this page Ercopac s.r.l. (the “Owner”) intends to provide some information on the processing of personal data relating to users who visit or consult the website accessible electronically from the address (the “Site”). The information is provided only for the Company website and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links (for which please refer to the respective privacy information/policies). In relation to the contents offered and the information provided, the Owner will ensure that the Site is kept reasonably updated and revised; the user is required to periodically check this page to ascertain any changes that have occurred since the last consultation of the Site. By continuing to browse this website, you accept the terms and conditions on the processing of your personal data as a visitor to the Site itself, according to the methods described below.

Ercopac s.r.l. informs that the navigation data will be processed in compliance with the applicable legislation. The computer systems and software procedures used for the operation of this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow browsing users to be identified. This category of data includes the “IP addresses” or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in the submit the request to the web server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the web server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the user. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing, unless otherwise provided by current legislation. In fact, it should be noted that the aforementioned data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of computer crimes against the company website or other sites connected or linked to it.

Ercopac s.r.l. collects, stores and processes the user’s personal data for the purpose of providing the products and services offered on the Site, or for legal obligations.

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the company addresses indicated in the specific section of the Site entails the acquisition by the Owner of the sender’s contact data, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data voluntarily communicated by the sender included in the communications. The Owner’s e-mail addresses indicated belong to the organization and, to guarantee maximum organizational efficiency in communications, the messages received at such addresses may be known to the Owner and other subjects authorized to process, duly appointed and trained.

Filling out the contact form also involves the subsequent acquisition of some personal data of the applicant (e.g. personal data, contact data, etc.), including those collected through the use of related services, necessary to respond to requests; the user must express specific consent to the processing of their personal data for the aforementioned purposes but we inform you that, in the absence of consent, it will not be possible to access the requested service and therefore be contacted. Likewise, filling out the newsletter subscription form involves the acquisition of personal data which the user consents to the use of, by specifically expressing consent, for the periodic sending of advertising and informational newsletters.

A cookie is a short string of text that is sent to the user’s browser and, possibly, saved on his computer (alternatively on his smartphone/tablet or any other tool used to access the Internet); this sending generally occurs every time the user visits a website.

The website uses cookies for various purposes, in order to offer a fast and secure digital experience.

Cookies stored on the user’s terminal cannot be used to retrieve any data from his hard disk, transmit computer viruses or identify and use his e-mail address. Each cookie is unique in relation to the browser and device used to access the Site.

Generally, the purpose of cookies is to improve the functioning of the website and the user’s experience in using it, although cookies can be used to send advertising messages (as specified below).

In the event that the user has doubts or concerns regarding the use of cookies, it is always possible to intervene to prevent their setting and reading, for example by modifying the privacy settings within his browser in order to block them. certain types.

Since each browser – and often different versions of the same browser – also differ significantly from each other, if you prefer to act independently using your browser’s preferences you can find detailed information on the necessary procedure in your browser’s help.

Below are the links to change cookie settings on the main browsers:

For more information and opt-out options, please visit

– Chrome (

– Chrome for Android device (

– Chrome for IOS device (

– Safari iPhone – iPad (

– Mac (

– Explorer (,Seleziona%20OK)

– Firefox (

– Firefox for Android device (

– Firefox for IOS device (only allows deletion) (

– Opera (

For more information on what cookies are and how they work, consult the “All about cookies” website

The cookies that are used on this website are:

Technical (necessary) or functional cookies: they allow you to use the site more easily; in particular, navigation or session cookies guarantee normal navigation and use by saving and memorizing information relating to navigation preferences and site settings. These cookies are automatically deleted when the browser is closed, therefore the prior express consent of the User is not required but they can, at any time, limit or block cookies through the settings of their browser. In the latter circumstance, some services of the site may not be displayed correctly or may not function optimally.

Analytical cookies: they allow the collection of statistical information, in aggregate and anonymous form, regarding access and navigation methods to optimize the functioning of the services made available on the site; they can be limited or blocked by the user via the banner that appears when opening the Site or via the settings of their browser without compromising the functionality of the Site.

Profiling cookies: they allow you to keep track of the user’s activity on the website, using this information to create a profile based on the user’s experience (so, for example, to be able to present the user with advertising or related adverts). his interests); they can be limited or blocked by the user via the banner that appears when opening the Site or via the settings of their browser without compromising the functionality of the Site.

Third-party cookies: cookies relating to websites visited by the user and released by third parties; they can be limited or blocked by the user via the banner that appears when opening the Site or via the settings of their browser without compromising the functionality of the Site.

In particular, the services that require the presence of cookies on the website are:

– Google Analytics 4, which collects cookies and navigation data used for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of the website, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google, to contextualize and personalize the ads of its advertising network (collects navigation data, shared with Google, stored according to Google’s privacy policy);

– Google Fonts (Google Inc.), a character style visualization service managed by Google Inc. which allows this Site to integrate such content within its pages (collects navigation, marketing and tracking cookie data shared with Google, storage according to Google’s privacy policy);

– Google reCAPTCHA, Google Inc.’s spam protection service, implemented in all contact forms to verify that the user is not a robot (collects navigation data, marketing and tracking cookies shared with Google, retained for at least the duration of the session);

– Google Tag Manager, a Google Inc. service that allows you to manage the tags on the website (possibly collects navigation data, shared with Google and stored for the duration of the session);

– Akismet, antispam service for comments or spam sent via the contact form, in order to protect the site from malicious content; processes some personal data (if communicated by the sender in the contact form) and navigation data (access data, location data and technical data such as IP addresses, cookies, navigation data, stored only for the time necessary to use the service and in any case for a maximum of 30 days).

For a more precise description of the cookies used, please refer to the information contained in the cookie consent banner.

On the site it is then possible to find social buttons, i.e. social network icons that allow the user to directly reach the represented social networks; in this case the user’s data is not shared with the social network, unless he spontaneously decides to click on the link. In case you want to receive more information on the type of cookies implemented by these external parties, the user is invited to read the privacy information of each individual social network.

As regards consent to the use of cookies, when visiting the website the user is asked to save their preferences regarding analytical, profiling and third-party cookies, deciding whether or not to provide consent to use these. categories of cookies. The user always has the possibility to deactivate cookies at a later time by returning to the cookie consent banner on the Site or by following the instructions provided by their browser.

The data is processed for the purposes:

strictly connected and necessary for navigation on the website and the use of the services made available on the site;

necessary to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of web services, to guarantee their security and correct functioning;

related to the fulfillment of obligations established by community and national regulations, the protection of public order, the detection and repression of crimes;

to send advertising material and marketing activities, including via newsletters;

to respond to user requests via the appropriate contact form

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in point 1), connected to a pre-contractual and/or contractual phase or for the provision of a service requested by the user, is mandatory and, failing this, it will not be possible to receive the information and access any services requested, just as it may not be possible to guarantee the adequacy of the processing itself; for data collected for purposes not strictly necessary for the functioning of the Site, the legal basis is the user’s consent, which is requested when accessing the website and can be modified at any time using the same form.

For purposes 2) and 3) the legal basis is represented by the legitimate interest of the company and compliance with the regulatory obligations of the Data Controller.

For purposes 4) and 5) the legal basis is represented by consent, which must be provided in a free, informed manner and must be revocable at any time, without prejudice to the continuation of any relationship established; we inform you that the communication of data for purposes 4) and 5) is optional but, failing this, it will not be possible to use the requested service.

The processing is carried out with the aid of electronic means with the use of software systems managed or programmed directly and/or by third parties which the Data Controller may use to store, manage and transmit the data.

The data processing will be carried out according to the logic of organization and processing of personal data related to the purposes indicated above and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data required by the articles. 6 and 32 GDPR.

Again in relation to data security, in the sections of the website set up for particular services, where personal data is requested from the user, the data is encrypted before it is exchanged via the Internet between the user’s computer and the central systems of the Owner, making them incomprehensible to unauthorized persons and thus guaranteeing the confidentiality of the information transmitted.

The personal data processed will be kept for the times established by the legislation in the applicable time, and in any case never for a period of time longer than the completion of the services provided.

For the pursuit of the purposes indicated above, the Data Controller may communicate and have the personal data of users processed in Italy by third parties (as managers or, in the case of providers of electronic communication services, by independent data controllers) with which has relationships where these third parties provide, at the request of the Data Controller, IT and telematic services (e.g.: hosting, management and development services of websites) and which the Data Controller uses to carry out tasks and activities also of a technical and organizational nature which are instrumental to the functioning of the website. Following a specific authorization, the Data Controller will provide these third parties only with the information necessary to carry out the requested services, taking all necessary measures to protect the user’s personal data.

The data provided by the user will be processed only in Italy and in countries located within the European Union. In the event that Ercopac s.r.l., in processing the Data, makes use of solutions made available by providers based outside the European Union, it will be verified that the country to which the transfers of personal data are carried out comply with the obligations of protection and security equivalent to those guaranteed by the GDPR, and users will be promptly notified.

The Data Controller may communicate users’ personal data to the competent public bodies and authorities for the purposes of fulfilling regulatory obligations or to ascertain responsibility in the event of computer crimes against the site.

Finally, personal data may be known to Ercopac s.r.l. employees/consultants. who are specifically trained and appointed as persons authorized to process or responsible.

The categories of recipients to whom the data can be communicated are available by contacting Ercopac s.r.l. at the addresses indicated below.

The data will not be disclosed.

Place of processing:

– The processing connected to the web services of this site takes place at the headquarters of Gea Informatica s.r.l., via Venturi, 14/B – 42019 Scandiano (RE) Tel: 0522-855155 – VAT number 02609290354. No data is disclosed.

– The processing connected to the receipt of e-mails through the e-mail addresses present on this website or via the contact form takes place at the headquarters of Ercopac s.r.l., via Pietro Nenni n. 1-19 – 42019 Scandiano (RE), and are cared for only by the Owner or by anyone in charge of occasional maintenance operations. No data is released.

– The processing connected to navigation data takes place at our hosting provider Gea Informatica s.r.l., and is handled only by technical staff of Gea Informatica s.r.l.. No data deriving from the web service is communicated or disseminated.

The User may exercise at any time the rights recognized by law, including:

a) to access their personal data, obtaining confirmation that the Data Controller is processing their data, evidence of the purposes pursued by the Data Controller, the categories of data involved, the recipients to whom they can be communicated, the applicable retention period , the existence of automated decision-making processes;

b) to obtain without delay the rectification, updating or modification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data concerning him;

c) to obtain, in the cases provided for, the cancellation of their data;

d) to obtain the limitation of processing or to oppose it (including the right to object to an automated decision-making process), when possible;

e) to request the portability of the data you have provided to the Data Controller, i.e. to receive them in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, also to transmit such data to another data controller, within the limits and with the constraints envisaged from the art. 20 of the GDPR;

Furthermore, you may lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR.

Data controller, pursuant to art. 4 of the GDPR, is Ercopac s.r.l., via Pietro Nenni, 1-19 – 42019 Scandiano (RE)

Tel.: 0522-988373

VAT number: 02992730354 – Tax code: 02992730354


The rights indicated above can be exercised upon request of the user on the Company’s website or by using the following references: Elena Maselli (

The Data Controller

Ercopac s.r.l.

This privacy policy was updated on 10/16/2023